Is a Genetically Modified Dragonfly the Smallest Drone in the World?

There is a first for everything in the evolving world of all things UAV. Today I have encountered what seems to be the first ever combination of drones and flying insects. Although drones are based on the same laws of motion and dynamics that govern the natural world, Draper's modified dragonfly is the first to fully integrate technology and nature.

If it looks a lot like a real dragonfly, that's because it is. Researchers at the Draper and Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Janelia Research Campus in Ashburn, Virginia, have genetically modified dragonflies in an attempt to control their movements.

This dragonfly, known as dragonflEye, wears a small backpack equipped with electronics, sensors and solar cells. The light source charges the solar cell and powers the backpack.

Now, we're going to be the first to admit that there's something a little sinister about genetically modifying insects with the intention of creating a swarm of obedient drones. But that doesn't mean the technology isn't interesting, or that it doesn't have potential real-world applications.

Possible uses of the technology involved include guided pollination, payload delivery and reconnaissance.

"DragonflEye is an entirely new type of micro-air vehicle that is smaller, lighter and more stealthy than anything man-made," said Jesse J. Wheeler, biomedical engineer at Draper and principal investigator on the program.

"This system pushes the boundaries of energy harvesting, motion sensing, algorithms, miniaturization and optogenetics - all in a system small enough for insects to use."

So how does it work?

Genetically Modified Dragonfly Drone Will Immediately Respond to Commands

The team at Draper are working on a way to send guiding commands from the backpack to special "steering" neurons within the dragonfly's nerve cord. They developed tiny optical structures, called optrodes, that would activate these "rudder" neurons with pulses of light from the dragonfly's backpack. This is the smallest and most incredible technology.

It's inconceivable that in a few short years it would be impossible to tell genetically modified drone insects from the real thing. And as long as there are clear applications for the technology it will receive a lot of funding and attention.

As well as using insects for military and reconnaissance purposes, creations like the DragonflEye could provide assistance to declining honey bee populations and aid in crop pollination. It's estimated that honey bees currently contribute more than $15 billion to the value of US agriculture each year – so it's definitely worth a try.

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