Is It Important In Defending Yourself From Cyber ​​Attacks?


When global retail giants Target, Home Depot, and Sony are hacked and personal data compromised, data security is again a hot topic.

Of course you know you should do more to protect your identity, but let's face it, data security is like public health: there's only so much you can do to protect yourself, and even that depends on other people or companies. Unfortunately, the same entity shown above seems careless with your information.

To this end, if people are not careful, the internet can become a virtual playground for criminal activity. Whether you're checking email, checking banking information, or shopping online, you're putting yourself at risk of identity theft.

Criminals have devised various methods to obtain personal information from innocent internet users. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, cybercriminals can assume the role of individuals to commit a variety of crimes, such as: B. Fraudulent withdrawals from bank accounts, because victims are often unaware of the crime until significant and irreversible damage has been done. While identity theft is a criminal offense under state law, it remains difficult to prosecute for a variety of reasons.

Enter Gabriel, a suite of secure communications applications originating from a US Department of Defense project and developed by cybersecurity software and technology company VirnetX.

The software works like this: Gabriel sends information over an automated virtual private network using military-grade encryption (think passwords). “Gabriel was designed and built with privacy and personal security at its core,” said Dr. Robert Short, CTO and Chief Scientist, VirnetX. " Because of this, Gabriel provides data security without compromising. Users do not need to send or store data with third parties, including VirnetX. So users can rest assured that their data is only stored on their devices."

Other benefits of using Gabriel include:

• Make free voice or video calls or send instant messages to other Gabriel members in your network;
• Receive spam-free emails;
• Allow private messages to disappear after session ends;
• Share images or files with other trusted Gabriel users on the web right from your personal device.

All of this happens to other members of your network because they know that transmissions are secured with end-to-end encryption.

In short, Gabriel makes your online communications invisible. Think of it this way: if the baddies can't see you, they can't attack you.

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